

来源: | 发布日期:4个月前 | 浏览次数:






  1. **需求对接**:接到学校的租赁需求后,缘通租赁的专业团队立即与学校负责人进行了深入沟通,详细了解了考试规模、场地分布、屏蔽范围等具体要求,并据此制定了详细的租赁方案。

  2. **设备选型与部署**:根据学校的实际需求,缘通租赁精心挑选了多款性能稳定、覆盖范围广的手机屏蔽仪,并在考试前一周内完成了所有设备的安装调试工作。同时,为确保设备稳定运行,团队还进行了多次模拟测试,确保万无一失。

  3. **现场支持**:考试期间,缘通租赁安排了专业技术人员全程驻守现场,随时准备应对可能出现的突发情况。此外,还提供了24小时客服热线,确保学校在遇到任何问题时都能得到及时响应和解决。







  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Fuyang, Anhui**

  In todays rapidly advancing information age, the proliferation of electronic devices has brought significant convenience to our lives but also posed challenges to maintaining order in specific settings. During exams, conferences, and speeches, the interference of mobile phone signals has become a non-negligible issue. Responding to this market need, Yuantong Rental, with its professional services and efficient solutions, has successfully provided mobile phone signal blocker rental services to multiple organizations and individuals in Fuyang, Anhui, earning high praise from customers.

  **Case Background**:

  A prestigious high school in Fuyang was preparing for its annual final exams. To uphold fairness and seriousness, the school decided to implement a mobile phone signal blocking system across campus. Considering the high cost of purchasing equipment and complex maintenance, the school opted for a rental solution. Among numerous providers, Yuantong Rental stood out for its rich industry experience, flexible rental plans, and prompt service attitude.

  **Service Process**:

  1. **Demand Alignment**: Upon receiving the rental request, Yuantong Rentals professional team immediately communicated with school officials to understand the exams scale, venue layout, and blocking requirements, crafting a detailed rental plan accordingly.

  2. **Equipment Selection & Deployment**: Based on the schools needs, Yuantong Rental selected multiple stable and wide-coverage signal blockers, completing installation and debugging a week before the exams. Multiple simulation tests ensured seamless operation.

  3. **Onsite Support**: During exams, Yuantong Rental dispatched technical experts to oversee the equipment and provide 24/7 customer service hotline support for swift resolution of any issues.

  **Customer Feedback**:

  After the exams, the school highly praised Yuantong Rentals services. The school administrator stated, Yuantong Rentals service was exceptional, from understanding our needs to deploying equipment and providing on-site support.


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