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  1. **产品选型**:缘通租赁根据购物中心的实际情况,选择了具有先进技术的无障碍无感通道闸机门。这些闸机门采用了先进的传感器技术和人脸识别系统,能够实现对特殊群体的快速、无感通行,大大提升了通行效率。

  2. **安装与调试**:为了确保闸机门能够顺利投入使用,缘通租赁的专业团队在短时间内完成了设备的安装与调试工作。他们不仅确保了闸机门的稳定运行,还对其进行了多次测试,以确保在高峰时段也能保持良好的通行效果。

  3. **租赁服务**:考虑到购物中心的实际需求和预算限制,缘通租赁提供了灵活的租赁服务。客户可以根据自己的需求选择租赁期限和支付方式,大大降低了初期投入成本。



  1. **管理层反馈**:购物中心管理层表示,无障碍无感通道闸机门的引入不仅提升了顾客的购物体验,还增强了购物中心的社会责任感。他们特别赞赏缘通租赁的专业服务和高效响应速度,认为这为双方未来的合作奠定了坚实的基础。

  2. **顾客反馈**:顾客们对无障碍无感通道闸机门的使用体验非常满意。他们表示,这些闸机门不仅方便快捷,还让他们感受到了购物中心对特殊群体的关爱与尊重。这进一步增强了顾客对购物中心的信任和忠诚度。

  3. **成效显著**:无障碍无感通道闸机门的引入不仅提升了购物中心的品牌形象和知名度,还吸引了更多特殊群体的顾客前来消费。这不仅为购物中心带来了更多的客流和收入,还为其在市场竞争中赢得了更多的优势。





  **Successful Case of Barrier-Free and Non-intrusive Gate Rental in Yiyang City, Hunan Province**

  In Yiyang City, Hunan Province, which is full of vitality, Yuantong Rental has won the trust and praise of many customers with its professional services and efficient solutions. Today, we will share a successful case about the rental of barrier-free and non-intrusive gates, showing how Yuantong Rental helped a local well-known enterprise achieve convenient and safe barrier-free access in a short time.

  **I. Background of Customer Needs**

  A large shopping mall in Yiyang City, as a landmark building in the city, has always been committed to improving customers shopping experience. With the continuous progress of society and the rapid development of technology, the malls management realized that the improvement of barrier-free facilities is an important factor in enhancing service quality and attracting more customers. However, due to the complex internal space and huge traffic flow of the shopping mall, traditional gate machines could not meet the needs of barrier-free access. Therefore, the malls management decided to seek professional rental services to quickly and efficiently introduce barrier-free and non-intrusive gates.

  **II. Solution Provided by Yuantong Rental**

  After learning about the malls needs, Yuantong Rental responded quickly and customized a rental solution for barrier-free and non-intrusive gates. The solution not only met the malls needs for barrier-free access but also fully considered the actual situation of high traffic flow and frequent use, ensuring the stability and durability of the gates.

  1. **Product Selection**: Based on the malls actual situation, Yuantong Rental selected barrier-free and non-intrusive gates with advanced technology. These gates


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